Aqua One Spirulina Flakes 52g


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It is widely recognised that Spirulina offers a wide range of benefits for fish

* It enhances their natural colours significantly with the carotenoid
pigments that are concentrated in Spirulina algae.

* It increases and promotes fishes growth by breaking down otherwise
indigestible feed components, thereby extracting more nutrition from the feed and reducing the amount of waste.

* Beneficial flora or bacteria that are stimulated by Spirulina displace
harmful bacteria and lead to significant improvements in survival rates.

* It stimulates the production of enzyms that transport fats within the fish’s
body which results in reduced fat storage within the flesh and improved utilisation of fat for growth.

Aqua One Spirulina Flakes are particularly suitable for the needs of herbivorous fish, especially East African Cichlids and Livebearers like Platys, Mollies and Guppies.

The flakes can be fed daily or occasionally alongside Aqua One Tropical Flakes or Micro Pellets

* Provides the extra portion of Spirulina and Algae for
herbivorous fish
* Contains Lecithin and Astaxanthin for healthy fish
* Promotes beautiful colours
* Can be fed on its own or as part of a mixed diet with Aqua One Tropical Flakes or Micro Pellets

Aqua One have added Astaxanthin, Lecithin and plenty of vitamins and minerals to our Spirulina Flakes to ensure that fish get everything they need for a healthy immune system, good fin development and beautiful colours.

Additional information

Weight 0.052 kg